Each individual livestream comes with its own one-of-a-kind set of difficulties to contend with. Because of this, our PRE-PRODUCTION procedure is an absolutely essential step for ensuring that the broadcast of a Virtual Event goes off without a hitch. In order to have a complete understanding of the vision, we collaborate with our clients to DEFINE DELIVERABLES AND CREATIVE OUTCOMES.
Everything, including the logistics of the location, the requirements for lighting and audio, and the casting of the ideal cast and crew, is taken into consideration. Being proactive about potential issues allows us to devote a significant amount of our time and energy to thwarting their manifestation at any stage in their development. We put in the groundwork in advance so that our clients can benefit from our efforts and have a fantastic experience as a direct result of those efforts.
Our crew is able to handle a wide variety of productions, from simple interviews shot with a single camera to massive multi-camera shoots involving a small army of production personnel and taking place in multiple locations across Alberta and Canada. We are also able to handle these productions in a variety of settings, including indoors, outdoors, indoors and outdoors, and indoors and outdoors. Give us a call so that we can discuss the upcoming event that you have planned.